Forms and Certificates | Venues 4 Funerals

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Forms and Certificates

No one can be cremated until the cause of death is definitely known. Five forms from the funeral director or crematorium have to be completed. They are:

–     Cremation Form 1 which has to be signed by the next of kin or executor.

–     Cremation Forms (4 & 5). Each has to be signed by a different doctor and to be paid for. If the death is referred to a coroner, these certificates are not needed. The coroner will give you a Certificate of Cremation (form 6) which is free.

–     Cremation Form 10 which will be signed by the medical referee at the crematorium. The medical referee has the power to refuse cremation and either require a post-mortem examination or refer the matter to the coroner.

–     Certificate for burial or cremation – which you will get from the registrar. This form is not required if the coroner has issued a Certificate for Cremation.

–     If the person who has died had already arranged a grave space in a churchyard or cemetery, you will need a deed of grant. If you do not have the paperwork, you can get a copy from the church or cemetery office.

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